
 中島 孔志


数学ⅠA 数学ⅠB 数学Ⅰ演習 情報と計算機 情報リテラシ実習 生体工学実習 卒業論文


講師 博士(情報工学)


脳情報工学 脳・神経科学 情報システム工学




  1. Katsumi Tateno, Satoru Ishizuka, Kohshi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi, Theta Rhythm Selection in the Dentate Gyrus: Experiment and Simulation. Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, pp.219-222, 2004
  2. Satoru Ishizuka, Koushi Nakashima, Katsumi Tateno, Hatsuo Hayashi, Selective communication and a band-pass filter in the rat dentate gyrus. International Congress Series 1269 Brin-Inspired IT ⅠELSEVIER B.V, pp.77-80, 2004
  3. Katsumi Tateno, Takahiro Hashimoto, Satoru Ishizuka, Kohshi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi, Theta rhythm selection of a dentate gyrus network model. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp.1529-32, 2004
  4. Koushi Nakashima, Kouji Takahashi, Satoru Ishizuka, Hatsuo Hayashi, Nonlinear Responses of Potentiated Hippocampal Slices to Mossy Fiber Stimulation. The Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, pp.311-4, 2002
  5. Koushi Nakashima,Tomohiro Umemura,Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka, Frequency Dependence of the Spatial Pattern of Synchronized Activity in Rat Hippocampus in vivo and in vitro. The Proceedings of eighth International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.9-13, 2001
  6. Koushi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi, Osamu Shimizu, Satoru Ishizuka, Long-Term Change in Synaptic Transmission in CA3 Circuits Followed by Spontaneous Rhythmic Activity in Rat Hippocampal Slices. Neuroscience Research, 40, pp.325-36, 2001
  7. Koushi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka, LTP-Induced Synchronous Activity of CA3 is Stably Localizd by Feed-forward and Recurrent Inhibition in Longitudinal Rat Hippocampal Slices. The Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.55-8, 2000
  8. Koushi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka, Spontaneous Epileptiform Bursts Induced in Different Regions of Rat Longitudinal CA3 Slices by Mossy Fiber Stimulation at Different Sites. The Proceedings of The 3rd International Workshop on Neuronal Coding '99, pp.79-82, 1999


電子情報通信学会 日本神経回路学会

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